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$300 (Learn More)


Black & White


49 lbs




Female (spayed)


about Aretha

     Aretha here again!  It’s been a while since I updated you.  It’s been so busy over here that I haven’t had time to sit and type (okay, foster mama types, but I tell her what to right).   I’ve been here quite a while…there was snow on the ground when I got here. Now the backyard is nice and green and I love to go run in the yard. Foster mama is happy about how well I come when called, but I do sneak away at times.  I’m not sure if I like playing fetch.  Usually I run after the ball foster mama throws and then make her go get it…it’s my fun little game, but don’t tell her. I ignore the one rabbit we have living in the yard and I totally ignore the new bird feeder we put in.  But foster mama and I like to watch them out the window.  I pretend I’m a cat and lay on the back of the couch. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

     I am getting brave with my foster mama and I still go investigate whatever has startled me. I still think light fixtures, loud noises and a hammock swinging outside is scary, but after I bark at it a few times, I’ve showed it who is boss and it leaves me alone. My foster siblings and foster mama laugh at me, but I tell ya the one time they get attacked by that swinging hammock, they will thank me.

     My foster sisters and I play ALL the time, even when mom wants us to settle down.  I love my foster sisters; we are like peas in a pod! We have a new foster sister, too! The new girl likes to chew on my jowls, tug on my ears, and bug me while I’m sleeping….however, I am SUPER patient with her and let her play with me.  Although, she does like to play more than I do. I just walk away when I’ve had enough and foster mama tells her to stop.  We share bones and blankets together.  I’m still learning to be gentle with my blankets and around the other dogs. Foster brother is warming up to me.  He licks my face, tells me good morning every day and is starting to play, but only just a titch. He even cuddles with me sometimes now.


     I like meeting new people, but it has to be on my terms. I’m a reserved little lady in public and would rather be selective on who gets my attention. But foster mama has brought all sorts of people for me to love on to the house and I think they are pretty cool after I get to know them, like after 2 minutes.  After that I forget about boundaries and personal space, but foster mama is trying to help me understand. She has called me an “aggressive snuggler”…whatever, I love to get petted, what can I say?  I get so excited meeting people that I have to remember no jumping.

     I sit so well for treats.  My butt hits the floor immediately when I think someone has a treat for me.  I love treats and have learned that if I do what is asked of me, I get lots of them.  So I sit and wait at doors, for meals, for couch time, but sometimes I am a little stubborn. I found my favorite spot on the couch!  Lazy days of sleeping means I’m curled up under a blanket in between foster mama’s legs. She's helping me learn there are other places to lay, too, that aren't so full-contact.


     Since the last time I wrote, I have learned that I have Irritable Bowel Disease…that means my tummy can’t process most things like regular dog food, most treats and PB. So, I have special food that is dehydrated. Foster mama mixes the powder food with water and it’s delicious.  I also get things like fruits and veggies for my treats and pumpkin or applesauce in my Kong.  Who says eating healthy is hard?  I also need a pill every day, but I take that right after my morning meal with a little pumpkin.  I love it so much I take it right off the fork.

     ​Because I like food and bones, my crate time is pretty easy too.  Once foster mom gets my frozen kong, I’m running for my kennel because I know that means I'm about to get a treat.  I’m in my kennel hanging out in our room with foster bro and sisters, just chewing on bones until foster mom comes home from work.  Sometimes she comes home for lunch, but not usually.  She’s a busy lady and I love when she works from home, even though that just means I lounge in my dog bed instead of crate.  Sometimes after work foster mom takes us on car rides.  I rather enjoy them.  I run to the car, get in myself, and let my jowls flap in the wind.


     I met some cats, which are okay, if you like finicky unpredictable things. I also met some kids and stayed at a babysitter’s with kids.  They are fun.  After I warm up, I like to follow them around and see what they are up to. They wear me out a little though, but I passed those tests with flying colors!


GOOD SAMARITAN: Alyssa & Leo Severn

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ARETHA's videos

SEPR Aretha

SEPR Aretha
Aretha flirt pole

Aretha flirt pole

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Aretha flirt pole 2

Aretha flirt pole 2

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Aretha vet

Aretha vet

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Playing A&A

Playing A&A

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