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about Arya
Spunky = check
Sassy = check
Spry & playful = check & check
Sweet as pie = triple check
Little Miss Arya has enough spunk and spry as her Game of Thrones name sake. Arya rarely stays in one spot for long. She is a girl on the go. She lives up the young nature she is…if only all of us had as much energy. Arya is constantly playing with her foster sister, but learning that the other foster sister and brother is not as willing to participate as much as she would like them to. Arya is also learning that we need to fine tune her playing manners and realize that the excitement dial needs to be turned down a bit or to the off position. She is new in the program and will figure it out. She has places to be and things to do and wants to take it all in. Arya definitely has a super zest for life.
Arya does like peanut butter Kongs in her crate and willingly goes, I mean runs, to her crate and hops in for one. We are still learning that kennel is quiet time, but she does settle in after a bit. She just has so much to do and see that she has no time to be kenneled and she will tell you that. However, she knows that foster mom needs to go to work and so she waits until she comes back and then its more PLAY TIME! She does like her nylabones once she has calmed down on the tiedown, but she also nicely entertains herself while on the tiedown by throwing her bone in the air. Arya plays nicely with her toys and does not destroy them. Play time in the yard is a hobby of hers. We are learning fetch and picking it up slowly. Arya does like to go on walks, but if foster mom would just take that gentle leader off, she would be happier. She is getting better at wearing it and does settle into the walk after while once she realizes it isn’t coming off.
Foster mom is getting creative in ways to help drain Arya’s overactive brain….Arya thinks she just has so much to learn and take in that she absorbs everything all the time. We are doing treadmill training, nose games, outings with volunteers and car rides. Arya does well in the car alone, but when with foster siblings everything is a game and she needs to learn that the car isn’t a jungle gym.
Once the evening falls, Arya is a big cuddle bug and snuggles right in, if no distractions. She is a supreme cuddler and wiggles herself right in. She even kisses good night. Arya’s nightly ritual usually consists of snuggling down at the end of the couch by foster mom’s feet and taking a pre-bed nap, which is usually 30 minutes before we head to bed, but she is quiet on her tiedown in the bedroom where she sleeps through the night.
Being the new kid, there is so much more she has to learn and do, but she is ready for the adventure. Just ask her….she’s ready for everything!!
Arya's videos
GOOD SAMARITAN: Jamison Stluka